If your in Torquay get down to the local ‘juice’ bar and start a great habit for everyday life with beautiful healthy day spa looking skin!
Juice bars are popping up everywhere these days from airports to major shopping centres and main streets of towns..
You know what, there is something in it and it is true all that they say… These days we lack certain minerals. Vitamins are easily lost and perish due to travel, temperature and storage and then theres the loss of very important enzymes not to mention fibre due to the processing and additives we are all unavoidably consuming.. look out inflammation and allergies and the list goes on…
Green leafy veggies are high in antioxidants. Blueberries and green tea are also rife with skin-loving ingredients. Grab a “Sunrise Hit” juice that will leave you healthy and glowing all day long! (Check it out in Gilbert street Torquay) – And a bit different to the normal old faithful Carrot Beetroot Apple Celery and Ginger with a shot of wheat grass! Also remember external factors must meet the great internal work by choosing some great Day spa treatments we can help you there!