Day spa facials with us in beautiful Torquay

This week we’re going through what to expect, and the aim of a beautiful facial. (The skin that it is best suited to will be further described in our Torquay day spa facials treatment menu).

The Prep: Make-up shall be removed as part of the treatment so arrive as you wish and although you don’t really need to undress, a soft loose robe can be more comfortable. (Facials can be included also on any of our spa packages) also a protective band will usually be covering your hair line.

Products: Your therapist will apply various skincare products to your skin. Brushes and or spatulas may be used to apply masks, whilst the use of hands will be used to apply massage techniques, cleansing creams and face oils. Removal of skincare products will require warm towels.

Massage: The highlight of any beautiful day spa facial! Often extending with attention also on your neck, shoulders, head, arms, hands and feet. Massage is usually a form of acupressure and/or lymphatic drainage. A light pressure-point touch, can help tone the skin by stimulating facial muscles, whilst the drainage helps to decrease the fluid and ‘puffiness’.

Equipment: Some facials rely on more than creams, serums and other potions. The Ultrasonic Skin Activator by BABOR sends ultrasonic vibrations ( that cannot be felt ) – they make the cell membranes more porous and stimulate the metabolism of the cell. The result is plumping, plumping, plumping!

Lastly, expect facial time frames anywhere between 30 and 90mins.

Please contact us if you’d like to speak to one of our therapists in Torquay for more.