Massage carried out by our professional Torquay therapists, can be nothing short of a godsend during pregnancy. We offer specialised and adapted massages in prenatal using gentle, relaxing strokes to help soothe aches and pains , improve your mood, and even help with labour. Our extra comfy beds allow for the expectant ‘mum to be’ to lay facedown, (total bliss, just that!) right up to full term, use specific treatment oil that deeply nourishes and has incredible ‘anti stretch mark’ properties.
What is pregnancy massage good for?
-Improve circulation, and increase the flow of oxygen to soft tissue and muscles.
-Reduce back, leg and joint pain.
-Decrease water retention (oedema) and swelling.
-Improve mood and lower anxiety.
-Decrease levels of stress hormones and increase ‘happy’ hormones.
-Reduce muscle tension and tension headaches.
When is it safe to have a prenatal treatment? We suggest (as most) that you should wait until you’re out of the first trimester (12 weeks). It’s best to wait until the second trimester to book treatments, as you’re less likely to have morning sickness, and the risk of miscarriage is less of a worry by this stage. Obviously if you’re feeling nauseous or vomiting, have a high-risk potential, or had previous placental abruption, pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure always speak to your GP first before booking.
A little tip! – It is worth remembering that most pregnancy massage treatments take an hour or more. Feel free to let your therapist know if you need the loo during a treatment, as it isn’t exactly relaxing if you are focussed on your bladder rather than your breathing!
Please contact us in Torquay for more, as we aim for a truly pleasurable experience.