Alongside our facial treatments in Torquay there are other ways of getting that beautiful healthy vibrant skin that everybody wants. Something as simple as what we eat can influence the outcome and appearance of our complexion big time! So introduce these 3 top fruits into your diet and get glowing!
Lemon- Something you can pinch from your neighbour’s tree ( lots here in Torquay!). It’s beaming with benefits and natural bleaching agents. They are high in Vitamin C which is an antioxidant that helps to flush out all those nasty toxins and can help prevent hyperpigmentation. Add lemon juice to your glass or bottle of water, your salad or mix with rosewater and pat onto your skin and wash off after 10 minutes.
Avocado – A food high in healthy fats, vitamins A, C, E and K, and is one that everyone loves on toast, in their smoothie or added to their favourite salads! By consuming avocado it can help retain the skin’s elasticity and reduce inflammation. Lutein is another key ingredient that can promote healthy ageing and protect your skin from UV radiation and damage. Something to make us love this amazing food that little bit more!
Watermelon- Who doesn’t love that refreshing taste of watermelon on a hot summer day, or anytime really! This yummy fruit is great for oily and acne-prone types –who would have thought? Packed with vitamins and water this helps prevent environmental damage, ‘flushes’ the body and gives you a hit of healthy hydration.
Contact us for more information on how simple fruits can compliment our facial treatments in Torquay.